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Welcome to “The Shop of IDEAS”! Print
How can I reveal Intellectual Property (IP)? What actions can be performed with IP? What taxes are caused by such actions and how can I minimize them? How is it possible to reserve the right over control stock using IP? How can I get a credit for a patent, trademark? – and this is only a small part of the problems that are to be solved by any enterprise.

These are just the questions that will be answered by the staff of our organization who are well-qualified and experienced specialists. Our organization has more than 10-year experience in patenting, trademark registration, protection of interests before courts and in the Chamber for Patent Disputes. We cooperate with the largest enterprises in Samara and the Samara Region.

 We will be glad to cooperate with you!

Glint Agency Ltd.®, 2003


IP (Intellectual Property) rights protection:

• Trademark registration
• Registration of domain as trademark
• Registration of the electronic address as trademark

• Patent Services: registration of inventions, utility models, 
  industrial designs, international patenting (in any country 
  of the world)

• Examining patent clearance

• Registration of software for personal computers
• Registration of databases 
• Registration of web-sites as software

• Registration of rights and copyright protection
• Copyright protection of web-IP

• Brand protection
• Business name protection

• Making license agreements, alienation agreements
  and their registration

• Examination of IP
• Trademark creation
• Pre-judicial and judicial exclusive right protection
• IP workshops
• Consultations in accounting and taxation, in statement of financial position,
  in evaluation of IP exclusive rights as intangible assets

Glint Agency Ltd.®, 2003

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